I wanted to mummify the tree but I ran out of red & green crepe paper and I have retained just enough sanity to prevent me from running to Target at 10:30 PM to buy more.
Just. I confess, it was a close call.

So our Polar Express trip on Saturday night didn’t go so well. If it were anything other than a train I might even guess that we’d killed all chances of ever doing it again. It was that awful. On the bright side, I didn’t assault any obnoxious elves! It was a close call though.
Sneak has a way of smoothing over the holes Money tends to dig…I think this train will be better received.
And because I doubt Eric is going to get the song reference in the title…
I struggled a bit with posting about Sneaky now, it seems so trivial in light of all the hurt…so pointless. Except it’s exactly the point, doing what we can right now to enjoy what we have. And it makes Caleb smile, I cannot think of anything more important right now.
The benefit beyond the smile? It also provided Caleb with breakfast 🙂
It could have been my baby or yours today.
I just got back to work, I went home for lunch today and sat at my dining room table with my husband and my son. I laughed at his antics, shook my head at his desire for me to tape a twist tie to his forehead and pretended to bite his stockinged foot while I put his shoes on him. Shoes that he can put on himself but I never make him do it. I like to sit down with him and do this small act for him.
I did all of these things not knowing other moms and dads out there, not so far away from here, were having their worlds shattered. I did all of these things just because I can. It’s a lesson I’ve learned from parents who have lost their children, like Dana (For The Love of Lauren), or parents who are fighting like hell to keep them, like Amanda (This Year’s Love Will Last).
These tiny little moments are magic, my friends. More magical than any elf, more magical than any grand adventure I might cook up in my head.
Hug them tight today when you see them, kiss their faces and tell them you love them. Then do it again tomorrow…and the day after…and the day after that because it could really all be over in an instant.
Not the social media site but the game? Until two days ago I had never heard of it, then Eric reported that Caleb is now playing it at school. Wait, what?
Four square, also known as Square Ball or handball, is usually played with a rubber playground ball, a volleyball, or a tennis ball on a square court with four maximum players, depending on the rules (Big Four Square, Six Square, etc.). The objectives of four square are to get another player into dunce (out) and achieve the rank of king, or ace.
There are rules and strategy, though I am positive that the games on the playground at Caleb’s school are not nearly as cut throat as Eric was describing. Caleb has been very interested in the game but he wasn’t able to play. It involves a lot of hand-eye coordination (which he rocks) but it also includes turn taking (umm) and motor planning to get the ball to land in specific spots…this isn’t easy stuff for this boy of mine. He stuck to games of chase or shooting hoops, things he gets and enjoys immensely.
Over time though his interest has not waned and over the last couple of weeks, it was reported, he has moved from observer to participant. And he’s doing much better at playing even. Do you think it’s a coincidence that the last couple of weeks lines up with the highest dose of the study drug…if he’s not getting the placebo?
I guess we’ll find out when the weaning starts…
Sneaky is hard at work this evening, he’s preparing for a very exciting day tomorrow.
Caleb has been writing all sorts of stories at school about this Sneaky elf. I have been sending the teacher the photos every morning and they have been using them as story starters. They not only hold Caleb’s attention but they fascinate the other kids in the class. It’s become quite the social event, seeing what Sneaky has done now. His friends ask Caleb lots of questions about the pictures and Caleb answers them. How awesome is that??
Last week his teacher, who seems to love the adventures of Sneaky too, mentioned to Eric in passing that it would be fun to have Sneaky come to school. As soon as I heard, I sent her an e-mail to start making arrangements. SO! Tomorrow Sneaky will be secretly smuggled to school. His teacher and his aid have something planned there and have promised to take photos. Tomorrow also happens to be Caleb’s day to share so he will be sharing his pal Sneaky with his friends too.
I cannot wait to see what he gets up to!
I think poor Sneaky is getting a little worn out from all the trips back and forth between our house and the North Pole, it’s hard to believe he’s been doing this for almost 3 weeks already!
Last night he hung a hammock in the tree and took a little extra time for some rest. He seems to be catching up on what our neighbors have been up to this year…I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about there…