Fragile X Conference

The National Fragile X Foundation released the preliminary agenda for the 2010 conference.  I guess maybe I didn’t fully understand what this conference involves…there are 18 pages of topics and 99% of them are on my “must attend” list.  Holy moly.

How on earth are we going to be able to do this??  Divide and conquer I guess.  I’m going to have to figure out a way to help Duhdee stay focused.  Hmmm…I think my grandfather has remote training collars from his hunting days…

We’ve booked our flights and hotel, we’ll be in Detroit on Tuesday.  Yay!

We’re having doubts about the medication.

When we first started Monkey on the R*italin we saw a really big improvement in his eye contact.  The teachers noticed the increased eye contact as well and also noticed that his speech was more on topic.  We were all very excited. 

We did notice that he was having a bit of a down period right before his 2nd dose and so, at our one month follow-up visit, we switched to the extended release formula.  We also increased the dosage.  We made the switch over April vacation and since then we, and the teachers, have noticed that the benefits we were seeing before have faded.  He’s making less eye contact and he’s more distractible.  On top of that, he’s been very emotional. 

Very emotional.  To the point that we have been staying home as much as humanly possible to avoid the whining and out-right meltdowns on outings.  He starts whining about going home the second we get in the truck and when we return he’s a mess.  When I get home in the evenings he loses his *mind* within 30 seconds of me walking through the door because I haven’t changed into my pajamas (yoga pants, fortunately.)  Even *if* I’m in the process of walking from the front door to the bedroom to change. 

I mentioned yesterday that he was a mess on Saturday while we were party shopping.  It wasn’t just the idea of a party that was upsetting him, it was the very fact that we were not home.  It has been rather unpleasant and getting worse, it seems. 

On Sunday, we skipped the medication.  We saw about the same eye contact as on Saturday, which was less than what we used to see.  We also saw a much happier little man.  We went to the nursery to get plants for the window boxes and the hanging planter, he did amazingly well.  He wasn’t whining.  In fact, I heard more than a few giggles.  When we got home Duhdee’s parents were there visiting with Great Grampy and Monkey did really, really well with them.  He played ball with them in the yard for quite a long time and he even gave hugs when they left.

We decided we were going to skip his medication today to see what the teacher’s report.  We didn’t tell them.  Duhdee will mention it after school to see if they noticed any differences.  I’m pretty sure they are going to tell us he had a good day.  He was having a much better morning than he has been.  He seemed less anxious.  If that holds true for the rest of the day we’re going to have to talk to the doctor about switching again.  *Sigh.*

Why does my mind go blank everytime I open up a post?

I must have blogger’s block.  I keep waiting for the perfect topic to pop into my head but it doesn’t seem to be happening.  I guess I have to get through this the old fashioned way…ugh.

Monkey’s birthday is rapidly approaching and I’ve had no luck convincing him that he wants to have a party.  Seriously, what kid doesn’t want a party??  This past Saturday I finally stopped trying to convince him and just forced him to pick a theme…I am so mean.  Too bad kid, lol.

So we’re having a Toy Story party…errr…no, we’re having a visit at Grammy & Grampa J.’s house with cake…and a Toy Story theme.  There will be NO partying, you got that people?? 

He did manage to find 2 things at the party store that were cool.  Not anything Duhdee or I suggested, he had to find them on his own.  Geeze! 

So, what goodies did he find?  He found a “bag.”  He carries it over his shoulder the same way I carry my purse:

His is blue…and has his name on it…not Adam. 

And this…it was his very first experience with one and he liked it. A lot.


OK, that was fairly painless… 🙂

Toys, who needs toys?

This morning Monkey realized that Eggy was missing!  Oh, no!  He looked in the basket where all the empty plastic eggs are and came running to me empty handed, “Eggy?”  I looked under the couch, always the most likely hiding spot when something has gone missing, and found 1/2 of Eggy.  Monkey grabbed it from my hand and ran off.  I was on my own to find the other 1/2, apparently.  Just as I was checking one of his toy bins Monkey strolled into the room with an intact Eggy.  Oh.

At some point, Monkey set Eggy down.  After we finished breakfast I heard, “Eggy, are you?  Are you?” clear as day.  I suggested that Eggy might be in his bedroom and Monkey took off running.  When I got there he was looking around saying “Eggy, oh no!”  I guessed that Eggy was on the bed somewhere, the second most likely hiding spot when something has gone missing, so I pulled back the covers to reveal…”Eggy!  Eggy!”  Monkey took a moment from the tender reunion to tell me “Welcome!”  Uh, almost.

Who would have ever thought that a cheap, blue plastic egg could make someone’s face light up like a Christmas tree?  I guess it sure is a good thing we’ve never bothered buying him actual toys *insert eye roll*

Once upon a time, I had these ideas.

When I was pregnant I had two major fears…autism and mental retardation.  I thought I could handle anything but please, please, please not either of those.  I was terrified of having a child who was “locked in” their own head and unable to bond with me.  I was terrified of having a child who’s life would be a struggle.  I was terrified of having a child I saw as a burden and not a blessing.

This past weekend, Monkey and I were sitting on the couch.  I was reading and he was laying on his back reciting letters with his characteristic verve.  I set my book aside for a moment and just looked at him.  I was overwhelmed quite suddenly by a wave of love.  You all know the feeling, when your heart just seems to suddenly expand six sizes in your chest?  I reached out with one finger and touched the top of his foot.  He made eye contact with me and smiled as he continued reciting letters.  My throat tightened, tears came to my eyes and I whispered, “I am so lucky to be your Mama.”  He smiled again and then broke eye contact.

Thank goodness for my little Monkey and all he’s taught me because…once upon a time, I was so ignorant.

This sappy post is brought to you by strong little arms wrapped tightly around my neck and a soft voice whispering  “yes” in my ear each night when I ask if I was missed.


Monkey has a new friend.  His name is Eggy.  He is blue and he’s named after the egg that the Penguins of Madagascar “egg-sit” in Paternal Egg-Stinct.

When you ask him what is in his egg Monkey responds, “Baby duck!”  He carries Eggy around the house with him and will occasionally stop to hug the egg to his cheek and say, “Awww!”  Sometimes he even lets me hug Eggy too.  He’s just too sweet!

Follow-up visit.

This morning we had a follow-up visit with the developmental pediatrician who has prescribed Monkey’s medication. 

He looked at the weekly reports that the teacher has been filling out.  He was impressed with the depth of information that his teacher provides, she adds explanatory notes rather than just rating Monkey on a scale of 1 to 3.  He asked us what we’ve seen at home and it matches up with what the school has seen.  Monkey is making more sustained eye contact and his verbalizations are clearer, more on topic and he’s combining them in new and longer variations.

Monkey hasn’t exhibited any reactions to the medication.  He is, at times, more emotional at transitions but not terribly so.  He’s still sleeping well, except for this week because he has a cold and wakes up coughing at least twice a night, ugh.

We had him on a “tiny” dose, we’re going to double it and switch to the extended release formula.  We didn’t start with the extended release form because it’s a capsule rather than a pill and we needed to split the pills.  Next week is April vacation week so we’ll have lots of time to observe him for any changes in behavior or appetite. 

Though the changes we have seen are not earth shattering they are worth celebrating.  The increased eye contact has been particularly nice, I didn’t realize how little true eye contact he made with us until we saw the change.  It still startles us at times to find him looking at us so intently when we are talking or playing.  I’m excited to see what happens next!

Yet another episode of “What is he saying?”

Monkey has a new word or phrase that he is trying very hard to get me to understand.  When he’s on YouTube he will put the cursor in the text search box and ask me to search for…I kid you not… “pissbear.” 

He can’t show me a picture of it, I’ve asked.  When I say “Pissbear?” He just says, “Yes, please” and smiles at me.

I really can’t wait until he masters this one, lol.