Normal developmental stage?

The worst thing about having an only child with FXS is that I never know what is “normal” behavior and what is maybe a sign of problems.

For instance, this weekend Monkey was pretty much glued to me.  I said on more than one occasion that I wished I had a way to tie him to my back so I would at least have my arms free.  He was hanging on me constantly or asking for piggy back rides (he sign’s “pig” and says “back”, pretty darned cute and he came up with it all on his own.) this normal 4/5 year old behavior or a sign of anxiety?

Another dry morning!

I’m so excited, Monkey is doing so well “holding it” during the day and it seems that he’s able to do the same overnight as well, very cool! 

On Sunday, when the plumber was downstairs cutting the cast iron pipes below the bathroom floor, we put Monkey in a diaper.  The noise in the bathroom was tremendous and it was coming in spurts, Monkey was too scared to go in the bathroom to do his business.  Rather than risk an accident we thought a diaper made perfect sense.  Monkey didn’t seem to mind at all. 

Then, a few hours later, Monkey came running to the kitchen where Dudhee and I were talking.  He was very upset and he grabbed his diaper.  I thought he’d gone and wanted a change but I quickly realized he was still dry.   Duhdee ran down to ask the plumber to take a break and we rushed to the toilet.  Poor Monkey barely made it…he really had to go!  I was happy to see that he is this determined to be potty trained.  He seems to have really turned the corner on this and is much more motivated than he had been. 

Not so much on the poop still.  We still have to catch him or he goes in his pants.  He knows he has to go, he runs to hide, but he isn’t willing try to go on the potty yet.  I wish I knew why :-\

In other news…I’m back to work today.  *YAWN*

The plumber has left the building!

We have a nearly functioning shower!  Duhdee just needs to put the…uh…piece….back on.   I am no handywoman, obviously.  Grampy still has a hole in his ceiling and his wallpaper also needs to be patched but Duhdee will get to that tomorrow.

The plumber insisted on showing us what he snaked out of our pipes.  I asked him if he was sure I needed to see and he said yes.  I may never sleep again.  He was very impressed.  Try to imagine what it takes to impress a plumber.   *shudder*

T-minus 20 minutes until the arrival of the plumber!

Duhdee is down in Grampy’s bathroom tearing out his ceiling.  The leak damaged the plaster so it needed to be repaired anyway but the added bonus is that the plumber prefers to go through the ceiling anyway!  That saves us having to rip up our bathroom floor and remove our toilet.  Yay!

Grampy wants the plumber to replace anything that is questionable, not just the leak.  The plumbing is 70 years old, all cast iron….my fingers are crossed that this won’t be a multi-day event!

What an awesome day!

We had so much fun today, both Duhdee and I thanked Monkey for such a great day as we wished him good night.  What did we do?  We cleaned the basement.  Seriously.

We spent 5 hours in the basement sorting through toys, clothes, books and random crap.  We trashed tons of stuff and we have about twice as much set aside to donate.  It’s astounding how much was down there.  Even Grampy got into the spirit.  He was so impressed with how much we got done that he gave us the go ahead to clean out his stuff as well.  Monkey enjoyed playing with some of the old toys but mostly he just enjoyed running around enjoying all the new SPACE.

We were going to spend tomorrow morning doing runs to Goodwill but they don’t open early enough for us to do all of that before the plumber is due to arrive.  Fortunately, I’ve taken Tuesday off so we can do it then instead.

Who would have thought we’d have such an awesome day…cleaning?!

He stayed dry all night!

We have not been worrying about this, he will do it when he can.  We encourage it verbally and celebrate it when it happens but when it doesn’t, it’s not an issue.  This morning he woke me up around 7:30 and we did our normal weekend morning routine.  I gave him some Cheerios and juice, we played on our respective computers, we had tea (hot chocolate for him) and then I suggested it was time to get our day started.  We went to the potty and he was totally dry!  He went all night plus an hour and a half this morning!  Woah baby.  He used the potty and is now, very happily, wearing a pair of his new Spiderman underwear.

I’m so excited for him and yet part of me wishes he concentrate on the poop part of potty training first!

A busy day today for Monkey!

Today is the 100th day of school celebration (school wide), Superhero Day (school wide/part of Spirit Week – He’s wearing a Spiderman t-shirt and underwear though he has no clue who Spiderman is), Valentine’s Day and a good-bye party for one of his assistant teachers.  Phew. 

We just heard yesterday about the Valentine’s Day bit so last night Duhdee and I made up some Valentines.  I’m going to give Duhdee equal credit here because he used a razor blade to make the slits where the lollipop sticks pass through the butterfly and probably saved me a digit or two!  I think they’re super cute.




The butterfly pattern was from Skip to My Lou.  She has tons of great ideas!  I didn’t have enough googly eyes so we added antennae instead.

I sure hope Monkey enjoys his day and doesn’t get too hyperaroused by the jam packed schedule!

Yick! It’s not what you’d expect.

We have a built-in cabinet in our dining room and it’s filled with framed pictures of friends and family.  Two days ago Monkey began pointing at one of the photos and exclaiming “Yick!” 

We are so excited!  You see, he’s pointing at a picture of one of his cousins and NAMING him.  This morning I dug out a wallet sized photo of Yick and let Monkey have it.  I really have to wonder what else is in that brain of his that he hasn’t yet managed to get out. 

After nearly 5 years I had lost a bit of my belief that we’d ever experience this discovery of language with him.   I still hoped we would but I was resigning myself to a lifetime of not hearing him communicate verbally.  Now I’m getting greedy.  I want more, now!  Please?

What an odd duck we are raising.

Monkey is at home with Duhdee today, as I mentioned earlier.  He has been doing a great job with his potty training lately.  He will stay dry for several hours at a time.  We are now just reminding him to go potty, if he has too, every 2 hours, just in case.  Today he’s been going on his own/unprompted.  Duhdee decided this last time deserved a reward…so he gave Monkey some M’s.  Monkey then fed the M’s to Dudhee and requested an alternate reward. 


He’s eating eggs as a potty reward.  Weirdo!