Every year we put together tins of goodies for friends and family and today is the big day. We’ve got two pans of fudge cooling so we’ll take a break to have lunch and then take Monkey out in the snow to burn off some of the sugar he has consumed today. This afternoon we’ll start on the cookies.
On another note, it is still snowing, which is quite exciting. It reminds me of Christmases years ago when we always had snow on the ground.
Oh, and…Monkey pooped on the potty today. ALL BY HIMSELF! He was wearing boxers and asked for a diaper. I told him he was wearing boxers today so if he needed to pee he had to go in the potty. He asked for a diaper again so I added that if he had to poop he needed to go on the potty as well. Well. He dropped his boxers on the kitchen floor, walked to the bathroom and put his stool by the toilet. He likes to rest his feet on it while he’s sitting on the toilet and he pees standing up so I knew this was a big deal. I grabbed his potty seat and a book and left the room as instructed. He jumped off the potty and took off for his bookshelf. I’d given him the wrong book! As soon as he located the one he wanted he ran back to the potty and sat until he was ALL DONE! This is HUGE! Yay potty training!
Errr, forgot to hit “Publish” lol, two batches of cookie dough are now finished as well. I should probably do at least two more before bed.