Can you pardon a bit of nostalgia induced worry?

Here in MA we have what’s called the Minuteman Library Network.  It’s a group of 41 libraries that joined together to offer a joint on-line database.  I can log into the database, locate a book I want, request it and set which library I want it delivered to.  It’s easy and free.  I am, a big fan but it has none of the charm I recall from my youth.  Going to the library has become just another errand.

On Wednesday, however, I went to the library in the neighboring town for the first time and it was unbelievable.  When I walked through the door the smell of books hit me and I felt that sense of excitement for the first time in a long time.

When I was growing up I spent a lot of time in my small town, public library.  I still remember the day I got my very first library card.  It was peach with black writing, the size of a business card.  It had black font.  There was an image of the exterior of the library printed on the front along with the name of the library and the hours of operation.  I had to “sign” the back.  I was too young to write in script so I printed my name on the back.  I was so proud of my library card.  I also couldn’t wait until the day I had a blue one just like my mom that would enable me to use the adult stacks on the main floor.  I longed to walk through that wide doorway and get lost in that maze. 

In the meantime, though, I would walk down the stairs to the children’s section in the basement.  I loved that room.  I would grab piles of books from the shelves and settle into a bean bag chair and flip through, narrowing down my choices.  I was only allowed to take 5 at a time!  5 for a whole WEEK!  I had to be very picky.  I would stay there, hard at work until my mom came and dragged me out.  I’m sure my sister was there too but I don’t remember her ever being there with me.  I was simply lost in a world of books. 

When I’m reading I’m not really there anymore.  That used to drive my mom absolutely nuts.  She could stand right beside me and talk to me.  I would respond appropriately and then not do what she asked.  When she came back, frustrated, I wouldn’t even remember what she’d said initially.  I still do this to Duhdee sometimes.   He doesn’t get mad though, he just rolls his eyes and repeats the conversation.  Sooner or later he’ll learn that he should wait until I put the book down and make eye contact before proceeding.

Anyway, when I walked into that library I realized how much I had been missing about going to the library.  I’m certainly not going to stop using the on-line catelog but I’m going to set my pick-up location to this new library.  It’s not on my way to or from anywhere.  I’ll have to make it a special trip like it used to be.  I really want to share this with Monkey too, he already has a great love of books though he cannot yet read.  One of my great fears is that he won’t be able to learn that, so many of our kids struggle with this.   I’m not sure he can handle the atmosphere either.  He has no “inside voice” when he’s excited, but I want so badly to see his face when he walks into that room and sees all those BOOKS just waiting for him that I’m going to risk the stares and comments from the other kids and the staff when he’s noisy. 

I don’t want to stop pushing him to expand his world out of fear of failure.  I would consider that a profound failure on my part as a parent.  So I’m trying very hard to be realistic in my expectations in light of his limitations but this one is going to hurt if it fails badly. 

Getting closer to potty trained?

Monkey has hit a bit of a plateau on potty training for a while now.  We had him on a schedule and he was fairly well catch trained at one point but then he began resisting our efforts to go on the potty and we backed off a bit.  In his new classroom at school he has been resistant to using the potty as well.  So we wait.

We’re finally getting signs that he may be progressing in the BM area, he is coming to us and telling us that he’s had a BM and demands a new “‘per!”  It’s (a very small) something but we’re back to hoping we may someday actually succeed here.

I’ve always heard that the feel and learn style pullups are a waste (expensive and not very useful for training ultimately.)  Has anyone switched from diapers to these pull ups and then had potty training success?

Don’t mind my bragging

Sometimes we’re almost brilliant, if I do say so myself.  Check this out…

Back story:  Last year we had zero worthwhile communication with Monkey’s teacher.  Every child received the same handout (no individual comments) and we received the verbal “he had a good/great/challenging day” reports and the cute stories but when it came time to sit down last June to hear reports we realized we had not been given anything worthwhile all year!  According to the daily verbal reports he was the model student but when we had to meet to discuss placement for this year suddenly he needed to be in a substantially separate classroom, he was not progressing in his placement.  We were not happy with this for obvious reasons and we decided it would not happen again.

So…we developed, along with our advocate, a communication sheet.  Monkey’s new teacher filled in the schedule and the school behaviorist defined the numbering scheme.  It ended up looking like this:


Pretty nifty, no?  But wait! It gets better.  We finally sat down with Excel on Monday night and plugged in all the numbers and we used the charting tool to come up with line graphs for both regulation and participation.



Cool, eh?  Already we can see that Monkey’s regulation (and thus participation) are falling off drastically after snack and not rebounding until playground.  We’re asking the teacher to work with the OT to put in some sort of intervention in the book/group work area to try to even out the drop. His art time have been improving a great deal over the last few days so we’ll hold off there and see how that shapes up.

We NEVER could have done this last year.  I am so pleased with how this is working out!

Woo hoo, no ER for us!

Thankfully, the antibiotics have done the job.  Monkey’s eye is much better.  Phew!  It looks like we’re back to school tomorrow rather than off to the ER.

And!  Somehow Monkey seems to have received the DST memo.  He woke up at 6 AM (just like every morning) despite the fact that the clock rolled back.  I fully expected a 5 AM wake-up but he stayed in bed (our bed, but whatever) until 6.  I do wish I knew how he managed that but I’m grateful regardless since it’s Duhdee’s turn to sleep in, lol.

Home from school.

Monkey woke up yesterday with a runny nose.  He otherwise seemed fine so we sent him to school.  His teacher called after he’d been there for a while to report that he had been unhappy most of the morning and that he had fallen asleep, in the gym, during free play.  She wanted to let him nap for a while longer and then see how he was feeling.  Duhdee ended up going to bring him home.   Monkey’s left eye was a bit red and puffy but he seemed to be feeling better as the afternoon wore on so we took a wait and see approach.

This AM he woke up with the same puffy eye and we took him to the Dr.  His normal Dr. was out today so we saw a substitute.  Stranger + eye exam + FX = Not Good.  The Dr. did praise us for staying so calm, lol.  We’re just used to it I guess.

She couldn’t see a foreign body and she didn’t dare to try to test for an abrasion given his thrashing. 

We were sent home with two prescriptions, one for oral and one for topical antibiotics.  We’re not holding out much hope that we’ll be able to use the ointment on his eye (maybe when he’s sleeping?) so she gave us both.  If he’s not better in 2-3 days she said we should take him straight to the hospital for a more thorough exam.  Wouldn’t that be fun?  She did mention “possible” sedation needed, ya think? 

Fragile X 5K

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt!

I’m so happy we did it.  We didn’t come even close to placing obviously but I was very pleased with how we did considering we’ve only been running for the last 10 weeks.

I think we placed 29 and 30 err…make that 39 and 40 overall, Duhdee was the #11 male in his age bracket and I was #10 woman in mine.  Also, Duhdee appeared to be the first person to finish who was pushing a stroller, lol.  I think that extra 45 lbs. he was pushing deserves some extra credit 😉

We’re now going to drop down to only 2 runs/week for the winter.  We’re going to try to improve our times.  We finished in a little over 30 minutes, the first place runner finished in a little over 15 minutes.  Ouch!

I don’t know what to write about!

It seems like school issues/drama have been totally taking over our lives for the last 5 months.  Now that we have Monkey in a great classroom and he’s being successful I’ve hit a bit of a wall.  We are so thrilled with how things are going right now, a huge weight has been lifted from our shoulders and it’s a little disorienting to suddenly have a major source of worry disapper.

Duhdee and I finished our last training run for the Fragile X 5K on Monday.  Last night we did a test run and we’re fine, we will totally finish the race.  The race is this coming Sunday!  I think we’re going to keep running after this too.  I know I had planned on it but I wasn’t sure what Duhdee’s thoughts were.  He is not a big fan of running!  I doubt I will ever convince him to run anything more than a 5K but it means so much to me that he decided to join me in this.

That’s about it.  It’s so weird to not have any drama but I’ll cope!  I’m definitely going to enjoy these days where our biggest problem is what to do with all the art pieces Monkey is suddenly flooding us with!  He sat yesterday for TEN MINUTES and worked on a gluing project.   That is easily a record…perhaps by more than 9 minutes, lol.


He did it AGAIN!

We talked up how well he did yesterday before we left this morning and we shared some high fives.  He asked me to carry him down the stairs (“Ride?”) and I agreed.  I let him know that I was carrying him down the stairs because he did SUCH a good job walking to class yesterday!  He seems very proud of himself.

On the way over to school he took some unprompted deep breaths.  Traffic was awful but he did very well.  He was a little upset about getting out of the truck once we got there but once he was on his feet he fairly sprinted to his classroom.  He checked in to class by moving his picture from his cubby to the group board and then joined 2 friends at the water table. 

That’s it, piece of cake.  Our experience in the past has been that once he reaches this point he maintains really well.  Last year we hit this point in…MAY.  I really think this has been a great switch for him.

ALSO, yesterday at lunch he finished faster than the other kids (shocker, the kid is an eating machine these days) so they sent him to read books while the rest of the class finished up.  He sat down to read “Brown Bear” and pointed out the pictures and named them.  That’s a first for school too.  He’s done it at home before but this shows how much more comfortable he is in the new class.