So many speech and learning activity suggestions for kids seem to focus on ryhmes and songs. Monkey is not a big fan of songs though. He will tolerate my “singing” to some extent but it’s never been his favorite activity. I’ve noticed that songs on typical pre-school programs (like Backyardigans) seem to trigger him. He loved the show for a very long time but he began running from the room whenever they sang (which is a lot) and then he decided he didn’t want to watch the show at all anymore. In his classroom, the singing and movement activities really upset him and he would have meltdowns. Gradually, he stopped doing that but he will not participate, he will grudgingly stay within sight of the kids as they sing and/or dance but that is it.
It’s not all songs that bother him though. He listens to music at bedtime each night. He listens to music in the car (grownup music, we own a few lullaby CDs but that’s it…he listens to what we listen to.) Last night he had trouble falling asleep and eventually ended up crying. I let him get up to calm down and he sat on my lap while we watched this, not your typical toddler music. I was familiar with some of the songs b/c my parents listend to them when I was growing up. He was fascinated and relaxed in my lap.
I wonder if this is something I should try to “fix.” I don’t particularly see anything wrong with it but I know it would make his pre-school teacher happy if she could do movement activities with her class without having Monkey protest. There is no guaruntee that anything I do at home will help in the slightest bit because there are, quite simply, different rules and allowances for Umma (even Duhdee doesn’t get cut quite as much slack as I do, lol.)
Are there any 4 year old appropriate CDs that your kids like(d) that won’t make my ears bleed? I’m resigned to the fact that whatever CD we pick we will be bombarded by ear worms (I’ve been singing “Baby Beluga” for 5 days now, ugh)…I’d just like them to be slightly pleasant for a grownup to listen to. I’ve heard They Might Be Giants have a couple good CDs, I’m not sure who else is good though. Bonus points for any songs that are standard pre-school fare. I’m definitely deficient in this area since my parents didn’t play “kid” music for us as we grew up either, I don’t even know what I missed!