Another funeral, another trip home.

Another of my Papa’s siblings has passed.  Aunt Fannie had been sick for quite some time.  She’d lived a good long life and suffered in the end.  Her passing is, for her, a blessing but it leaves a large hole in the hearts and lives of many.  She was kind and loving and good…the world is a poorer place without her.

Another dry morning!

I’m so excited, Monkey is doing so well “holding it” during the day and it seems that he’s able to do the same overnight as well, very cool! 

On Sunday, when the plumber was downstairs cutting the cast iron pipes below the bathroom floor, we put Monkey in a diaper.  The noise in the bathroom was tremendous and it was coming in spurts, Monkey was too scared to go in the bathroom to do his business.  Rather than risk an accident we thought a diaper made perfect sense.  Monkey didn’t seem to mind at all. 

Then, a few hours later, Monkey came running to the kitchen where Dudhee and I were talking.  He was very upset and he grabbed his diaper.  I thought he’d gone and wanted a change but I quickly realized he was still dry.   Duhdee ran down to ask the plumber to take a break and we rushed to the toilet.  Poor Monkey barely made it…he really had to go!  I was happy to see that he is this determined to be potty trained.  He seems to have really turned the corner on this and is much more motivated than he had been. 

Not so much on the poop still.  We still have to catch him or he goes in his pants.  He knows he has to go, he runs to hide, but he isn’t willing try to go on the potty yet.  I wish I knew why :-\

In other news…I’m back to work today.  *YAWN*

The plumber has left the building!

We have a nearly functioning shower!  Duhdee just needs to put the…uh…piece….back on.   I am no handywoman, obviously.  Grampy still has a hole in his ceiling and his wallpaper also needs to be patched but Duhdee will get to that tomorrow.

The plumber insisted on showing us what he snaked out of our pipes.  I asked him if he was sure I needed to see and he said yes.  I may never sleep again.  He was very impressed.  Try to imagine what it takes to impress a plumber.   *shudder*

We’ve been wondering and now we know.

The plumbing here sucks is not good.

Duhdee ran a snake through the pipes because the tub was draining very slowly.  Now we have a waterfall in the basement!  Awesome.  And the plumber?  Well, he just had elbow surgery earlier this week so he’s out of action for the next two weeks.

Am I a day off?  Is this really Friday the 13th?  It sure feels like it.

**Emergency plumber will be here tomorrow between 10 and 12.  No showers until tomorrow night at the earliest. Regular plumber is back at work elbow and all fortunately.  He’ll be here on Monday.  No showers until Monday night at the earliest but that extra day is going to save us a lot.  Let me just say it again.  AWESOME!**

Chinese Water Torture – Modern Life Edition

For the last week we have been hearing a faint *beeeeep* in our house.  It happens at 5 minutes past the hour, 24 hours a day.  We have tried to isolate the sound.  Duhdee and I set a kitchen timer and have been stationing ourselves at varying locations around the house a minute before the next scheduled beep trying to figure out where it is coming from.  It’s only 1200 square feet, this should not be difficult!

This brings to mind another time, several years ago, when we were hearing a daily *beep*  It was at it’s loudest in our pantry but it sounded as if it were downstairs.  We decided that Grampy must have a timer set for something or other and we dismissed it.  After more than a year had passed we discovered that it was the STOPWATCH that we had purchased prior to Monkey’s birth.  We never used it for it’s intended purpose yet somehow the alarm was set before we tossed it into our junk drawer.

I asked Duhdee if he was sure that it wasn’t the stopwatch this time too.  It’s no longer in the junk drawer; we use it on our training runs.  He says the alarm is off. 

It is really starting to get annoying.  As a bonus, Barley is terrified of beeping…he’s developing another twitch.  This dog doesn’t need any more twitches, he’s all full up of crazy already.  Poor sap.

The Honest Scrap Award


Vicki at Holly Daze presented me with this award.  THANKS!

The rules for this award are as follows…

Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.

Show the 7 winners’ names and links on your blog, and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Scrap”.

List at least ten honest things about yourself.

  1. I am a total introvert and homebody but most people don’t realize it because I’ve discovered that I can hide it.  Doing so comes with a cost though and sometimes I just can’t manage it.  The entire time I’m getting ready I need to be left alone, on the way there I will not talk, once I’m there I’m fine, afterwards I need a nap.  I’m just mentally and physically drained by socializing.  My husband is a social butterfly and this all makes him nutty.
  2. I have a terrible memory about most things but random things stick in my head.   I am full of useless trivia, I can recount conversations from a year ago and even remember exactly what we were doing and wearing but practical, useful information?  *Poof*  This will explain why I might be repeating some stuff I’ve told you before in this list although I’ll try not to.
  3. I hate the word Fraggle.  That doesn’t mean I hate YOU if you use it though.
  4. I could have declared a minor in religion in college but elected not to.  I read/studied the bible with a biblical scholar.  I also studied Hinduism, Judaism, Buddism and a variety of Native American religious beliefs.  I even have a Book of Mormon that a very nice young missionary gave to me on the bus one evening that I’ve found very interesting. 
  5. I am an atheist.  This is very upsetting to my parents so they don’t ever bring it up.  I still celebrate Christian holidays though only in the most secular ways (Easter Bunny, Santa.) 
  6. I am not one of those atheists.  I don’t give a rat’s patootie if we have “In God We Trust” on our money, I have no problem with including God in the Pledge of Allegience, I don’t think public schools should be totally devoid of all references to religion but I do think they should be inclusive of the religions of all the students if they’re going to include references to any.
  7. Sometimes I will tell people I’m “praying” for them and I mean it.  I see no problem in offering people comfort when they need it in a way that they most appreciate because, really, it’s not about me. I think that probably makes me a bad atheist but it’s not like they can kick me out of the “club”, right?
  8. Extremists of any type really grind my gears.  Can’t we all just get along?
  9. I let Monkey watch “SpongeBob” even though I said I never would because I think SpongeBob is a total turd.
  10. I’ve always said I’ll never watch “reality TV” but I’ve started watching “Rock of Love” and “The Tool Academy” much to my embarassment.  They are probably the very worst of the “reality” shows out there but I just can’t turn away.

I don’t know who hasn’t done this yet and I don’t have the mental energy to figure this out, pathetic, isn’t it?  If you haven’t done this yet…TAG!  You’re it.