It could have been my baby or yours today.
I just got back to work, I went home for lunch today and sat at my dining room table with my husband and my son. I laughed at his antics, shook my head at his desire for me to tape a twist tie to his forehead and pretended to bite his stockinged foot while I put his shoes on him. Shoes that he can put on himself but I never make him do it. I like to sit down with him and do this small act for him.
I did all of these things not knowing other moms and dads out there, not so far away from here, were having their worlds shattered. I did all of these things just because I can. It’s a lesson I’ve learned from parents who have lost their children, like Dana (For The Love of Lauren), or parents who are fighting like hell to keep them, like Amanda (This Year’s Love Will Last).
These tiny little moments are magic, my friends. More magical than any elf, more magical than any grand adventure I might cook up in my head.
Hug them tight today when you see them, kiss their faces and tell them you love them. Then do it again tomorrow…and the day after…and the day after that because it could really all be over in an instant.