He made some subtle changes in how he pronounced “pissbear” so it evolved to “sbrr.” Really not much better but I guessed, in desperation, and I got it.
It’s “Ph*ineas and Ferb.” He was thrilled when I said it and even more thrilled when I found the desired clips on YouTube. I should be a detective, I got mad skillz.
Pretty smart. Don’t think I woulda got that one.
OMG! I love that show, and so does Punkin. Disney Channel has full episodes online.
.-= theotherlion´s last blog ..a brief recap, in pictures =-.
Ah, yes…My son is 15 with Fragile X, and we ran into this ALL THE TIME… he loves YouTube and sometimes asks for something and I couldn’t always understand it. He would bring me one of his DVD’s or books to show me to help. Now he is pretty darn good at finding it himself, and then some;) Although …we still don’t always understand him. Life with Fragile X!
I tried to get him to show me a picture of what he was asking for but he doesn’t have anything related to the show. The only place he’s seen it is on YouTube, no idea how he found them in the first place either!