There’s a reason he gets his way…

oh, boy, is this child ever adorable *sigh*

Duhdee is cooking dinner, Grammy & Grampy have come to visit. Tonight’s dinner is homemade beef stew and it is divine. Monkey, however, is not impressed. While Grammy, Duhdee and I were in the kitchen chatting Monkey came out asking for blueberries. Alas, he had eaten all of the blueberries. His next request? Pizza. Of course.

Pizza is not an option…and we told Monkey so.

Then Monkey:

  1. Grabbed his stool;
  2. Flipped through the menus we keep on the top of the fridge ((Yeah, he’s that tall.))
  3. Found the menu for our favorite pizza place;
  4. Handed the menu to Duhdee;
  5. Grabbed Duhdee’s smart phone;
  6. Navigated to the phone icon;
  7. Held the phone to Duhdee’s ear;
  8. And said, Pizza?

It turns out that pizza was an option for such an adorable and enterprising little Monkey.

4 thoughts on “There’s a reason he gets his way…

  • April 3, 2011 at 8:16 pm

    So cute! and very impressive!

  • April 4, 2011 at 11:02 am

    Amazing what they can do when they really “want” something! Too cute, I love pizza too, but stew is always good, but I bet my son Jacob would take pizza over stew anyday!!!


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