Tomorrow morning we have yet another follow-up appointment with our developmental pediatrician. We’re going to have to tell him that…oh, wait…did I forget to mention this? We stopped giving him the medication weeks ago.
Once we switched from the initial twice a day formula to the extended release formula all the benefits seemed to die off and a major drawback emerged. Monkey was noticeably less focused in group activities and very, very, very, emotional. He would sometimes cry to the point of nearly vomiting. Not good. So, we stopped.
I have lots of information I need to put into my excel spreadsheet so I can graph it for the doctor. I guess I better get started on that. I can’t believe I may be pulling an all-nighter ((See! NOT a grown-up :-()). *Sigh*
I am really glad you’ve shared this. I’ve thought about an extended release, but I think I may stay away.
Maybe Monkey either needs to go back to the other med or try a different one? GOOD LUCK!
.-= theotherlion´s last blog ..some people’s kids =-.