Caleb often uses scripts from scenes in TV shows and movies that he loves to express the emotion he is feeling. It’s actually the only reliable way we have for knowing how he is feeling on the inside. I find it pretty amazing when he can identify the emotion and find just the right scene to express himself even though he lacks the words to communicate it.
This morning he experienced a tragedy and, since I’m an awful mother, I recorded the aftermath…
He asked for Fruit Loops for breakfast and I got him a bowl of Fruit Loops for breakfast. Then I insisted he eat them when he decided, after the fact, that he really wanted yogurt, not Fruit Loops.
I promised yogurt after he finished the Fruit Loops to no avail. He went to his computer and pulled up this video to share his deep sadness over my total insensitivity to his pain. I laughed. Sorry but I found the reaction a little bit over the top.
And then…

Sucker! LOL
oh Well, Better to have a fed child than a hungry child. He def didn’t want the fruit loops <3
He made that pretty clear, Patricia! Holly…*sigh* I just can’t do it!!
I have the same problem!! II.I, I know. 😉
I immediately think, ” I can’t fix everything but I can fix this…” Freaking carrier guilt, lol
I was not aware that Fruit Loops were organic! Huh! Next up, McDonalds!!!!
Ah, yeah, his cereals are all sorts of crap…I figure the organic everything else valences it out nicely :-p
Hah. How I know these situations so well. We are the toughest suckers of all.
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My daughter, Candra, used to use movie quotes to express herself. It was helpful!! The most heart-breaking, though, was when she’d quote from Tarzan….”Why am I so different?!” Now, at age 19, she has no trouble expressing herself. In fact, she’s too good at it – and she has no filter. At all.
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So giving in can be blamed in carrier guilt?!?! I had no idea! Must reevaluate how I look at that now! I’ve learned to be stronger than I used to be but I still give in pretty frequently on small things. However I’ve gotten past the whole dinner time fiasco of “I I I I’m full. I so full! Ohhhhh I fullllllll…. I done…???” with Jonathan cause he will dump his full plate of food in the sink and then go scavenging the fridge for cheese and the pantry for crackers, Grahamfuls, cereal, whatever. Lol. It’s super cute and he tries so hard but that’s one thing I’ve learned to stick to my guns on. Lol. There’s just so many other things! Sigh
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