Guess what we’re going to do tomorrow for the first time EVER?
Duhdee and I get to go to our very first…PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE. Not an IEP meeting! An honest to Betsy PARENT FREAKING TEACHER CONFERENCE! There will be no attendance sheet, no progress report to add to his monstrous IEP file, no one is going to try to pull our placement out from under our feet, no one is going to talk about f*cking measurable annual goals…HECK, there won’t even be a TEAM. It’s just us and the teacher!
We’re going to be normal parents. Except for the part where I CRY and hug the teacher because I’d totally given up on ever having a normal damned PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE.
I’m pretty fricking excited about it too…srsly. It don’t take much to excite me these days, does it?
You are too funny. I hope your parent teacher conference goes well.
LOVE it!!!!!!! Tell her it’s how you roll, when you hug her! 😉
Yay! I’m so happy for you!