We’ve had the pleasure of attending several Fragile X related conferences over the years and the Logo Reading System developed by Marcia Braden has been mentioned more than once. I’ve looked at it but we’ve never gone any further than that, Monkey was still pretty young. Now, however, I’m thinking we should ask the school to consider it. Why the change of heart?
Monkey has demonstrated before he recognizes logos. Dunkin Donuts for instance, but really, that’s not a shocker…we are frequent fliers at Dunkins! But over the last two weeks we’ve been hearing more and more from him. He’s “reading” logos. Yesterday alone we heard Geico, Bank of America, Fox, CBS and Sprint…also a bunch of numbers. Seven! One! Nine!
Anyone want to guess where we saw all these? Hmmm, this last one will tip you off. NFL.
LMAO, who said football wasn’t educational?